Air Filters & Enclosures
Good air quality and healthy workplaces means filtering out harmful particulates, fumes, gases, and other hazardous materials. Clean environments require high-quality air filters!
Our Specialists can help you find the right type of filtration for your application. We work with you to find the correct type of air filter while also looking at filter life to keep your systems operating at peak efficiency.
We provide a wide range of high-quality air filters manufactured by recognized leaders in industry. Our experts can even retrofit your current industrial ventilation system with new filters that better suit your applications.
When the noise you are trying to reduce is emanating from a single source, Acoustic Enclosures are an effective solution. Eldridge partners with McGill Air-Silence for these products. Panel Systems, Pressurized Enclosures, and Curtain Systems are products we typically use for applications in industrial environments. These systems are designed to achieve maximum noise reduction, maintain productivity, accommodate existing workflow, and allow for routine maintenance.
Applications include:
- Process Blower Packages
- Generator Sets
- Gas Turbines
- Pumps
- Grinding Areas
- Engine Test Cells
Utilizing high-quality noise control products from Universal Silencer and McGill Air Silence, our Acoustic Specialists offer custom turnkey solutions for reducing noise in your operations. We regularly design custom ventilation silencers, acoustic enclosures and more to keep noise at healthy levels. We are here to help you Create a Successful Environment for your employees, customers, and community.
There is no noise challenge that we are not willing to tackle. Contact us today for an acoustic consultation!