Design a Ventilation System: Manufacturing Facilities

Our team can design a ventilation system completely customized to your manufacturing facility. Manufacturing facilities frequently have unique ventilation challenges. Our specialists are here to help create a system that protects your people, products, and processes. In this article, we’ll discuss manufacturing facility ventilation systems and how we can help you create a system that meets your requirements.

How We Design a Ventilation System

Ventilation design is one of the most important aspects of making your facility safe and comfortable for your personnel, products and processes. Without proper design, the system may not work effectively to remove heat, humidity, and contaminants from your indoor air. This can create many negative consequences for your manufacturing facility.

Person in manufacturing facility that needs us to design a ventilation system
We can help design a ventilation system customized to your manufacturing facility.

For example, improper ventilation in manufacturing facilities can create legal troubles. Many organizations, including OSHA, require certain levels of ventilation for health and safety. Also, many of your workers may face serious health issues from poor ventilation, such as from heat stress or exposure to harmful contaminants.

Therefore, it’s critical to ensure you choose an expert team to design a ventilation system for your manufacturing facility. The first step should be to consider your application. Different manufacturing tasks create different contaminants and hazards in the air. Our ventilation specialists will also use information from your building’s design and layout to identify contamination sources and potential placement areas for essential ventilation equipment, such as fans, dust collectors, and make up air units.

Also, it’s important to identify any requirements by local, state, and national codes. Often, different facilities must meet minimum standards for elements like air changes per hour based on occupancy and contaminants. Many codes also require the use of spark-resistant ventilation equipment if hazardous contaminants are present. Identifying applicable codes helps ensure your new industrial ventilation system meets or exceeds your compliance needs.

Unique Needs for Industrial Ventilation Systems for Manufacturing Facilities

There are several challenges that most manufacturing facilities face when it comes to designing a ventilation system that suits their needs. The primary issue is that manufacturing facilities often have many sources of air contamination in the building compared to, say, the average commercial building. For instance, these facilities may have not only machinery that produces smoke, but also areas for contamination-heavy tasks like abrasive blasting, chemical treatment, and spray finishing.

Each industrial ventilation system should be customized to the facility. However, generally it’s best to address contaminants as close to the source as possible through a local industrial exhaust system. This way, most of the contaminants are exhausted before they enter the general airstream. The building-wide ventilation system can take care of any contaminants not captured by the local exhaust system.

In addition to removing contaminants from the air, our ventilation specialists will also consider heat loads from not only exterior climates, but manufacturing machinery that can quickly make interiors uncomfortable for your workers. Industrial fans are commonly used to help reduce heat and also keep air moving through the ventilation system in a manufacturing facility.

Turnkey Industrial Ventilation Design & Installation from Eldridge

Our team at Eldridge can help design a ventilation system for any industrial application. We specialize in industrial ventilation systems and equipment and offer turnkey solutions for your system needs. Our experts can engineer and install custom ventilation systems. We help create a successful environment for your people, products, and processes. We have been a leading ventilation company since 1946. Our specialists can provide you with the sophisticated ventilation systems you need. Contact us now to get a quote for industrial ventilation system design and installation.