A cool employee is a productive employee. That’s what studies have shown. The general consensus is that for every one degree F above 77, a person is 1% less productive. If you are not doing everything possible to keep employees cool, you are probably losing money due to lost productivity. In this article, I’ll discuss ways to use spot cooling solutions to cool employees and improve productivity.
The Best Environment for Spot Cooling
Spot cooling moves air across a person’s skin and induces sweat evaporation. The perceived temperature reduction can be 8 to 10 degrees F depending on the humidity in the air. Spot cooling works best when the temperature of the air moving across a person is as low as possible.
In a non-air-conditioned facility, the best environment for spot cooling is when the inside temperature is the same as the outside temperature. A balanced temperature requires the facilities’ ventilation system to provide sufficient air flow. The air flow must remove the solar heat load and any other heat loads generated from equipment or processes inside the facility. A ventilation system must be upgraded to provide a balanced temperature before investing in any spot cooling equipment.
Spot Cooling Solutions
Axial Fans – Spot cooling axial fans can be mounted on columns or floor stands to provide air flow to employees working in small areas. We recommend that a spot cooling fan provide air flow of at least 200 FPM where the employee will be working the most. Calculating a fan’s spread and throw will determine the best placement to provide the maximum cooling benefit.
HVLS Fans – Industrial high volume low speed (HVLS) fans are great for spot cooling large areas. Air flowing down from an HVLS fan will be spread horizontally when it hits the building floor. That provides cooling air flow over an area larger than the diameter of the fan. A potential disadvantage is that an HVLS fan may pull hot air down from the top of a building creating a hotter environment at the floor level. That is why it is important to have the inside temperature the same as the outside temperature before installing an HVLS fan.
Evaporative Cooling – Direct or indirect evaporative coolers can be used to provide spot cooling benefits. The cool air output from an evaporative cooler can be ducted to specific spots where employees will be working. When sized properly, the air flow from an evaporative cooler to a particular spot will provide the dual benefit of cool air and air movement that will induce the evaporation of sweat.
Spot cooling solutions are a great way to cool employees and improve their productivity. Cool air flow in a facility makes employees cool and comfortable and the company benefits from higher productivity. At Eldridge, we call that a successful environment. You should consider installing spot cooling solutions before the summer heat hits. Contact a ventilation specialist at Eldridge and we’ll help select the right spot cooling solution for your application.