Maintenance for Industrial Ventilation Control Equipment

person looking at computer to log maintenance for industrial ventilation control equipment
Your industrial ventilation control equipment needs maintenance for long-lasting service.

Industrial ventilation control equipment can be an important component of an industrial ventilation system. This equipment allows added control over ventilation systems and indoor environment parameters, such as temperature, humidity, contaminants, and air flow. When using industrial ventilation control equipment, typically your facility will have several controls and components to monitor and operate the ventilation system. Control equipment needs regular maintenance to ensure it stays in peak operating condition. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the reasons to include control panels and associated equipment in your preventive maintenance plan, as well as some tips for proper maintenance.

Why Maintain Industrial Ventilation Control Systems

Like any other part of your industrial ventilation systems, control equipment also needs regular maintenance and inspection. Since these controls are essential for a properly working ventilation system, we recommend including them in your preventive maintenance programs.

Poorly maintained control panels and equipment for your ventilation system can lead to many negative consequences. For example, you might face frequent repairs, which creates unnecessary downtime and expense for keeping your ventilation systems operational. In addition, these systems may fail prematurely due to neglected or improper maintenance.

Also, if control equipment is in poor condition, it can reduce ventilation system efficiency and performance. You may find that controls are less effective over time as they experience wear and tear. Without maintenance, controls may not be able to successfully operate ventilation systems. This may affect temperatures, humidity, contaminants, air flow, and other key factors. This can lead to major issues for your facility, including safety hazards and even potentially OSHA violations for inadequate ventilation.

Tips for Maintaining Control Panels

Most industrial ventilation control components are electrical in nature. For instance, ventilation sensors typically rely on electrical components to identify the presence of contaminants or sense air temperature levels. Control panels also typically use electrical equipment to properly control ventilation equipment like fans, dust collectors, air handling units, and other necessary pieces of your industrial ventilation system.

When it comes to these electrical components, there are three basic things to keep in mind. First, they should be cool. Second, they should be dry. Third, they should be clean.

You can use these fundamentals to design a preventive maintenance program for your control systems. Performing frequent visual inspections to look for moisture or dirty components is a must for maintaining these industrial ventilation controls. In addition, checking for warmth around the equipment can help you determine if the components are at risk for overheating. Inspections help you identify issues and correct them. For example, carefully cleaning components when there is visible dirt and grime.

Turnkey Industrial Ventilation Systems from Eldridge

Our specialists at Eldridge are dedicated to creating successful environments for people, products, and processes. We offer turnkey solutions for all your ventilation system & noise control needs. Our team designs, installs, and services industrial ventilation systems of all types and sizes. We also work with facilities in a wide range of industries, from manufacturing to food processing. Trust our experienced professionals to provide you with an effective, economical, and state-of-the-art system using equipment from top manufacturers. Contact us today to request a quote for a new or upgraded ventilation system.