Marine - Ventilation & Exhaust Systems
It is not an exaggeration to say that Eldridge pioneered offshore rig ventilation. We have designed hundreds of ventilation systems for offshore applications and our work can be seen on the majority of the world’s offshore fleet. To get a mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) ready to be deployed, there are several design and engineering pieces that need to be determined. Our experts are capable of wrapping their arms around these designs. Eldridge provides complete industrial ventilation design with certifications, along with surveys, equipment, installation and project management services
Ventilation Products include:
- Fans
- Supply / Exhaust
- Process
- Blowers
- Filters
- Louvers and Dampers
- Acoustic Silencers
- Dehumidifiers
- Electric Heaters
- Storm Guard Hood
- Pit Boss Coalescer
- Fire Dampers
- Dust Collectors
- Design Services

Featured Projects
Jack-Up Rigs & Drilling Barges
Offshore Production Platforms
- Vantage Drilling
- Dalian Developer
- Aban
- Aban Abraham
- Noble
- Leo Segerius
- Roger Eason
- Muravlenko
- Noble Discoverer
- Diamond Offshore
- Ocean Clipper
- Glomar Explorer
- Transocean
- Discoverer Enterprise
- Discoverer Spirit
- Discoverer Deep Seas
- GSF Jack Ryan
- GSF C.R. Luigs
- Deepwater Pathfinder
- Deepwater Millennium
- Deepwater Discovery
- Ensco
- 5000
- 5001
- 5002
- 5004
- 5006
- 6001
- 6002
- 6003
- 6004
- 7500
- 8500
- Transocean
- Cajun Express
- GSF Development Driller I, II, III
- GSF Celtic Sea
- Atwood
- Hunter
- Diamond Offshore
- Ocean Star
- Ocean Quest
- Ocean Victory
- Ocean America
- Ocean Alliance
- Ocean Baroness
- Ocean Endeavor
- Ocean Rover
- Ocean Voyager
- Ocean Crusader
- Noble
- Jim Day
- Paul Wolfe
- Homer Farrington
- Dave Beard
- Danny Atkins
- Clyde Boudreaux
- EVA Series
Jack-Up Rigs & Drilling Barges
- Rowan
- Gorilla Class
- Super Gorilla Class
- Super Gorilla XL Class
- N-Class
- EXL (Super 116E) Class
- 240-C Workhorse Class
- Tarzan Class
- 116-C Class
- Perforadora Central
- Uxpanapa
- Coatzacoalcos
- Papaloapan
- Panuco
- Tuxpan
- Tonala
- Ensco
- 58
- 64
- 74
- 75
- 104
- 105
- Pride
- Wisconsin (retired)
- Tennessee
- Nabors
- Dolphin III
- 590
- 655
- 660
- Diamond Offshore
- Champion
- Drake
- Worker
- Seadrill
- West Freedom
- West Mischief
- West Resolute
- West Courageous
- West Defender
- West Intrepid
- West Vigilant
- Transocean
- Constellation I, II
Offshore Production Platforms
- Chevron
- Genesis
- Typhoon
- Blind Faith
- Oceaneering
- Gulftide
- Legend JPU
- Neptune
- BP
- Thunderhorse
- Holstein
- Atlantis
- Anadarko
- Marco Polo
- Lucius
- Heidelberg
- Total
- Matterhorn
- Exxon
- Diana
- Amoco
- Marlin
- Allegheny
- Conoco Philips
- Magnolia
- Marathon Oil
- Steel Head
- Shell
- Independence Hub
- Perdido
- Nabors
- Olympus
- Bigfoot