Eldridge is proud to be supporting our local community by being a Junior Market Steer Auction sponsor at this year’s Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. One of the most important goals of the Show is to provide educational support to the youth of Texas. Over the years, the Show has committed more than $350 million to scholarships, research endowments, junior show exhibitors, and other educational youth programs.

It would be an understatement to say that the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is a cultural institution in Texas. Since 1932, people have traveled to Houston to participate in the Livestock Show, watch the Rodeo action, enjoy the carnival festivities, and see the top musicians perform. Last year, the event drew a crowd of over 2.5 million visitors. They don’t lie when they say everything’s bigger in Texas!
Young people from all over the state will bring their livestock to the Junior Market Auction to compete for the prestigious Houston Champion title. The bidding starts after the competition, where young hopefuls await the highest bid for their livestock. The Show committees secure premiums for each exhibitor. The excess bids are contributed to the scholarship funds.
We are glad to contribute to this event that not only instills in these youngsters a sense of pride in their agricultural Texan roots, but also benefits the greater community by sending young people to college who may not have had a chance otherwise. We’re looking forward to an excellent 2015 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.