Archives: Blogs
- Ed Neese
As the weather changes to cooler temperatures, the operating routine for your ventilation system should also change. Here are some tips from the Eldridge ventilation experts for operating a ventilation system in cooler weather. Replace Heaters The first priority for a ventilation system in cooler temperatures is to provide heat. This can be expensive with …
Operating a Ventilation System in Cooler Weather Read More »
- Taylor Nguyen
Ventilation systems are crucial in chemical plants, ensuring clean air and safe working conditions. However, they can also be very noisy, which can affect employee health and productivity. Too much noise can cause hearing problems, stress, and make it hard to focus. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why controlling noise is important, different ways …
Ventilation System Noise Control in Chemical Production Read More »
- Ed Neese
Sound plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Yet many people don’t fully grasp the difference between sound pressure and sound power. These two concepts are fundamental to understanding how sound behaves and is measured. Sound pressure level, often expressed in decibels (dB), is what our ears perceive and can change with distance from …
Key Differences Between Sound Pressure and Sound Power Read More »
- Taylor Nguyen
A well-designed local industrial exhaust system can effectively control harmful fumes, dust, and other airborne hazards. Unlike general ventilation, which circulates air throughout a space, local exhaust ventilation targets specific contaminants at their source. This direct approach is crucial for protecting worker health and complying with safety regulations. Today, we will discuss the key components …
- Ed Neese
Choosing industrial fans hinges on their ability to move a specific air volume against the ventilation system’s total static pressure. But how much static pressure should we add for the fan itself? Let’s explore the three types of pressure losses caused by fans – friction, dynamic, and component – and which ones to include in …
- Taylor Nguyen
Gas turbines are powerful machines that generate electricity and drive industrial processes. They work by burning fuel to create hot gases that spin a turbine, and like any engine, they produce a lot of heat. That’s where ventilation systems come in – they keep gas turbines running smoothly by removing excess heat and ensuring optimal …
Ventilation System Design: Cooling Systems for Gas Turbines Read More »
- Ed Neese
Before the 1980s, controlling fan motor speed was limited to two-speed motors, which were costly and had long production times. The advent of variable frequency drives (VFDs) revolutionized this, offering cost-effective and nearly infinite speed control options. This article will address common questions about using VFDs for fan motor speed control and will explain the …
- Ed Neese
At Eldridge, our passion is solving the most difficult ventilation problems. To do that, we often will use fluid flow analysis (FFA) software to solve for the air flow, pressure and velocity. We have used FFA for simple ventilation systems such as a manufacturing facility as well as for more complex applications such as an …
Modeling Ventilation Systems with Fluid Flow Analysis Read More »
- Taylor Nguyen
Noise pollution is a significant health and safety hazard in metal fabrication facilities. Metalworking processes, such as sawing, pressing, and grinding, generate a variety of noises that contribute to this hazardous environment. This makes noise control for industrial ventilation systems essential for your shop. Exposure to chronic loud noise levels exceeding 90 decibels can lead …
Managing Acoustics in Metal Fabrication Facilities Read More »