Archives: News Items
- Ed Neese
We were recently requested by to be a part of a webinar roundtable on the topic of working with restaurant owners and mechanical contractors to improve the inside air quality for their customers. While the discussion in the webinar was geared specifically to restaurants, the concepts for safer ventilation has widespread application to many …
- Ed Neese
Operations during the COVID-19 situation are rapidly evolving. We want you to know we are here for you. The Eldridge Team is continuing to work remotely to do our part in helping to contain the spread and help end COVID-19. Many of our customers, manufacturers and suppliers work in essential industries. The majority of our …
- Ed Neese
It seems we are currently experiencing confusion and uncertainty surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The Eldridge Team wants to assure our customers, vendors & friends that we are continuing to operate without interruption. At this time, we have had no delays in production, delivery or order processing. Should this change, we will keep everyone in …
- Ed Neese
Eldridge opened its doors in 1946 and is still going strong. We owe most of that to our fantastic team. Too often as mangers and owners we forget to put first what keeps our lights on, our employees. Our team knows they do a great job and credit is fairly given and often but …
- Ed Neese
Eldridge sponsored a school supply drive benefiting Parks Youth Ranch for the upcoming 2019 school year. Parks Youth Ranch is a privately funded emergency shelter, counseling center and home for abused and neglected youth between the ages of 7 – 17 located in Fort Bend County. Most children brought into the facility come with only …
Eldridge sponsored School Supply Drive benefiting Parks Youth Ranch. Read More »
- Ed Neese
Well folks, the last quarter of the calendar year is upon us. This is the time of the year when we all begin to think about what is ahead. Just last night, my wife and I were discussing what are the Christmas plans for our family and how we will organize the few days around …
- Ed Neese
Eldridge will be hosting a special Lunch and Learn Session featuring Kacy Orr, President of Innovative Air Technologies. We will discuss how to use desiccant dehumidification to improve food quality, increase processing efficiency, and reduce safety hazards. This event will be held in Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio in September. Please click here for more …
Upcoming Lunch and Learn: Dehumidification and Food Processing Read More »
- Ed Neese
Some of our employees enjoyed a beautiful day at the 8th Annual Pot of Gold Classic Golf Tournament benefiting the Fort Bend Rainbow Room. The Fort Bend Rainbow Room is a resource room stocked with emergency and transitional supplies to meet the critical needs of Fort Bend County’s abused and neglected children and adults. Please …
Eldridge is pleased to be a part of helping others in the community. Read More »
- Ed Neese
It is with mixed emotions and sincere gratitude for his 42 years of service that we are announcing the retirement of Gary T. Leseman from L.C Eldridge Sales Co., Inc. at the end of March. Below is a letter we would like to share that was written by Mr. Leseman. Dear Colleagues: I am …